Friday, September 7, 2007

Another Week in the Books!

Well, we are putting the finishing touches on our fourth week together as a team. We finish the week with a long run in the AM of Saturday. This will be the finish of a very good training week for us. I have been pleased with how everyone is progessing as we continue our quest for the perfectly timed peak.

The men showed their unity this morning when they showed up for practice with matching mo-hawk hair cuts. 5 of the guys cut their hair last night to have some fun. Jose was not able to because he wasn't feeling well and they guys were not able to convince Michael to cut his yet. They are still working on Mike as they try to convince him to let his guard down a little bit and join the mo-hawk crew! Come on Michael, we know you really want to do it!!!

For the women, Sonya Gibbs (Gibbster) celebrated a birthday last week with the rest of the girls at a restaurant. On another happy note, Christine has joined the team again after a few weeks of rehabilitation. She is doing some easy running as she eases her way back into form. We hope to unleash her within the next week.

Finally, we had our first track team meeting yesterday. We gathered all track athletes together for an informative meeting to set the fall training schedule and talk about team expectations for the upcoming season. We had around 60 men and women in attendance (with several more not able to attend)! That officially makes us the largest athletic team on campus. The increase in numbers gives us great hope for another fantastic year as we continue to make a name for ourselves. At this point (roughly 10 total athletes give or take just two years ago when I took over the program) there is no where but up for this program to go.

Until next time....Remember that God loves you and enjoy the life you have been blessed with!